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The Winter’s Tale, a classic ballet, is a story that story follows the destruction of a marriage through consuming jealousy, the abandonment of a child and a seemingly hopeless love. Yet, through remorse and regret – and after a seemingly miraculous return to life – the ending is one of forgiveness and reconciliation. The Winter’s Tale is a masterful modern narrative ballet. Wheeldon continues his highly successful collaboration with designer Bob Crowley and composer Joby Talbot, the team behind Alice, in one of the highlights of The Royal Ballet season. Film image, synopsis and related credits courtesy of Broadway on Demand.
- Year2018
- Runtime112 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited Kingdom
- RatingNot Rated
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- NoteThe 2018 Royal Ballet production of The Winter's Tale by Christopher Wheeldon takes place in two locations: Sicilia and Bohemia. The story begins at the court of Sicilia in the prologue and Act I, then moves to Bohemia for Act II, which takes place 16 years later, and finally returns to Sicilia for the final act. The Royal Opera House is in Covent Garden, the heart of London's theatreland.
- DirectorRoss MacGibbon & Christopher Wheeldon
- Producer© Royal Opera House Covent Garden Foundation
- Castyoichi Hirano, Lauren Cuthbertson, Sarah Lamb
- Production DesignBob Crowley
The Winter’s Tale, a classic ballet, is a story that story follows the destruction of a marriage through consuming jealousy, the abandonment of a child and a seemingly hopeless love. Yet, through remorse and regret – and after a seemingly miraculous return to life – the ending is one of forgiveness and reconciliation. The Winter’s Tale is a masterful modern narrative ballet. Wheeldon continues his highly successful collaboration with designer Bob Crowley and composer Joby Talbot, the team behind Alice, in one of the highlights of The Royal Ballet season. Film image, synopsis and related credits courtesy of Broadway on Demand.
- Year2018
- Runtime112 minutes
- LanguageEnglish
- CountryUnited Kingdom
- RatingNot Rated
- Subtitle LanguageEnglish
- NoteThe 2018 Royal Ballet production of The Winter's Tale by Christopher Wheeldon takes place in two locations: Sicilia and Bohemia. The story begins at the court of Sicilia in the prologue and Act I, then moves to Bohemia for Act II, which takes place 16 years later, and finally returns to Sicilia for the final act. The Royal Opera House is in Covent Garden, the heart of London's theatreland.
- DirectorRoss MacGibbon & Christopher Wheeldon
- Producer© Royal Opera House Covent Garden Foundation
- Castyoichi Hirano, Lauren Cuthbertson, Sarah Lamb
- Production DesignBob Crowley